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About Us

Insight about the establishment of Made By Icing


My Story

Hello everyone, thanks for being here! My name is Icing, the owner of Made by Icing. I am currently living in Montreal, which is overall a friendly and safe city. However, the area I am living in is quite unsafe at times. During the past few years, there were numerous times when I would leave my apartment to run errands or go to work, I would be constantly harassed by a men cat calling me on the street or from their car. My worst experience happened when I was walking home from a restaurant at night and a man started following me. As I started walking faster, he would do the same, to the point where his hand almost touched mine. I got extremely scared and immediately started heading towards a corner store, where I called my boyfriend to pick me up. The guy was still waiting for me outside the corner store the entire time. I thought of the worst scenarios in my head: what if he assaulted me? I had nothing to protect myself. We have no idea what could happen to us. My experiences were the reason why I came up with safety keychains that can protect us in any situation. We should not have to live in fear and worry about our safety from the moment that we step outside the house. I created these products to give women a peace of mind so they can feel more confident when going outside alone.